Enon Village Council President Rick Hanna read a statement at the May 28, 2019 meeting of the Enon Village Council in the absence of Mayor Tim Howard.…
The Mad River Township Board of Trustees met in executive session for over an hour with two representatives from Clemens-Nelson who were hired to inve…
We have received a copy of the report to the Mad River Township Trustees by Clemans-Nelson Associates, Inc., into the Mad River Township Fire Departme…
The Enon-Mad River Township Fire Association provided community service to two parks located in the Village and Township on Saturday.
The group founde…
On Friday, May 24, 2019 the Mad River Township Board of Trustees met in a special meeting and hired 12 new employees for the Emergency Services Depart…
After nearly three months the Mad River Township Board of Trustees is no closer to solving the internal problems that have plagued the emergency servi…
To the citizens of Mad River Township,
We, the former members of the MRTFD and members of the Fire Association, would like to take the time to…
The Clark County Combined Health District has confirmed two Clark County resident deaths related to hepatitis A. The cases have been thoroughly invest…